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A Guide to 3 Oils Essential Oils & Roller Bottles

Simple Uses & Benefits

Natr'l Tea Tree Essential Oil


Add 10 – 12 drops of Natr’l Tea tree oil to the green bottle

​Top it up with your choice of Carrier Oil

​Shake Well and Apply gently to pulse points: wrists, neck and temples

​Head to Toe Aromatherapy Oil

​Antiseptic Anti-inflammatory Soothing Relieving Powerful Versatile

Cleansing Purifying Rejuvenating

​Magical Healing for face, skin, nails and hair

​Gentle and Calming disinfectant for stings, bites, cuts and wounds

​Soothing for itchiness, irritation and burns

​Help reduce swelling, redness, eczema, acne, infections, bacteria and scars

Orange Essential Oil


Add 10 – 12 drops of Natr’l Orange oil to the orange bottle

​Top it up with your choice of Carrier Oil

​Shake Well and Apply gently to pulse points: wrists, neck and temples

​Head to Toe Aromatherapy Oil

​Antiseptic Anti-inflammatory Anti-bacterial Disinfectant

Mood Booster Uplifting Relaxing Calming

​Allergy Relief Pain relief

​Help reduce skin conditions, stress, colds and congestion, anxiety and low mood

​Improved digestion Better dental hygiene

​Maintain health and improves blood circulation

Lavender EssentialOil


Add 10 – 12 drops of Natr’l Lavender oil to the purple bottle

​Top it up with your choice of Carrier Oil

​Shake Well and Apply gently to pulse points: wrists, neck and temples

​Head to Toe Aromatherapy Oil

​Anti-bacterial Anti-inflammatory Anti-septic Antioxidant

Relieving muscle tension

​Mood Improving, Calming, Relaxing sleep aid

​Reduces and eases stress, anxiety, restlessness, nervous tension, irritations

​Disinfecting Soothing relief for minor burns and wounds, cuts, bug bites, sores, itchiness, scars

​Healing Moisturising Anti-microbial properties

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