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How I got started using Essential oils


I never realised the price my daughter was paying when she was much younger as I unknowingly cleaned our house with harmful chemicals every day. At the same time, I had plug-ins and air fresheners wafting through the house making it smell glorious. I honestly had no idea that it was for this reason she had asthma or that the sprays had triggered her asthma. I was just told she would grow out of it and that most kids do but never associated her asthma to what I was using to make our house smell nice.

We moved from Bracknell to Horndean in 2017 and within a very short space of time, I noticed she wasn’t coughing anymore. I assumed it must have been that the area we were living in was more polluted and the underlining cause of her asthma. Her last asthma review was a year ago and she no longer uses her brown inhaler and very rarely uses her blue inhaler now either. All because I stopped using all ‘these pleasant-smelling plug in’s’ that I know now, are just chemical-laced poison.

It was around the same time that I was introduced to Essential oils. I began to read up on their uses and benefits and one evening was directed to a particular article that I had my A-HA! Moment and knew with certainty that it wasn’t the area we lived, it wasn’t child asthma, it wasn’t the cold or the heat but directly from all the scented candles, plug-ins and aerosol sprays and I had them all.

My daughter’s asthma was bad for a few years, she missed school days sometimes weeks at a time, her 7th birthday party she slept on a bench while her classmates had a disco ball and so much more because the coughing made her physically drained. I was just blinded to the real cause and that all these lovely smellies in our home was possibly causing more damage than I thought possible for her health. Chemicals that trigger and aggravate asthma was in every room. If it weren’t for my daughter, I would probably still be using them because I have never suffered from any types of allergies so would never have become aware of it.

When I first started using Essential oils, I was overwhelmed by the endless list of their natural uses and benefits and had no idea where to start. There is so much information available to us and I just started reading, as much as I could, taking notes and putting them into practice. I started with the simple procedure of diffusing Essential oils and I was hooked. Once I felt comfortable and experimented with different oils and learnt about their uses and benefits, I quickly found my favourites, but I wanted to expand how I used them. I spent countless hours scrolling through pages and pages of information.

It seemed the next step was to make my own room sprays and body spritzers. This seemed easy enough and I had a couple of empty bottles laying around which I used to experiment.

I made 3 sprays: Lavender, Orange and a blend of Frankincense and Sandalwood. It was so easy to do, so much cheaper than buying expensive chemical sprays and I loved the smell of them all. I invested in small glass bottles and never looked back.

My third and favourite experiment was roller balls. I received a 3 pack of roller balls for my birthday last year: destress, sweet dreams and energy – I LOVED this pack and it was my favourite present and from then I was hooked and wanted to make my own. I bought oils here and bottles there and what was missing was the oils and bottles bundled to offer an easy start.

When my son and I started Natr'l, I wanted to offer 3 things: Eco-friendly, Quality and Uniqueness. I also knew I wanted my own Essential oil brand because of how strongly I believed in them and because I had experience and a bit of knowledge to share. I also love how great they are to use with children. My daughter is now 11, will grow up knowing that chemicals are so damaging to her health, she understands already that plastic is bad and when she gets her endless bruises and scratches she automatically reaches for our homemade Tea tree roller bottle because she knows how well it works and that it is natural healing.

I loved the idea of making my own roller balls with our Natr’l brand, it was so exciting as I sat down at the table with all my oils, my bottles and carrier oils and could proudly call them our own.

Our brand offers an Eco-friendly alternative – combined with quality products and it is unique. You can purchase all the products we sell, but you cannot find them bundled in one easy to use kit.

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